2023-2024 Registration

Prices will be discounted based on current promotions. Full and discounted prices are outlined below.

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2023-2024 Registration

Premium University Listing for 2023/24(Required)
– Search Engine – UK University Quiz – Lead Generation (20-200 leads per month)
Targeted Email Journey (NEW) 2023/24(Required)
Once the student matches their academic profile to your university, the student will receive 10 emails periodically throughout the journey to convert them to apply + 2 tailored emails at any point of the year + student has the option to ask any questions about your university or how to apply to your university.
Undergraduate University of the Month(Required)
Select all months you are interested in. First come, first serve. Only 12 spots available.
Postgraduate University of the Month(Required)
Select all months you are interested in. First come, first serve. Only 12 spots available.
2023 Conferences/Events Registrations(Required)
Select all conferences/events that you would like representation. No discounts apply.
2024 UK Counselor College Tour(Required)
Select if you are interested in joining our counselor tour. Prices vary if you are inside or outside of London.