UK Test-Optional and Test-Flexible

Standardized testing has always been a substantial requirement for UK undergraduate university admissions. This is due to their UK education system and their entry requirements for UK students. In our article Deciphering the High School System – US vs. the UK, UK students do not study a broad curriculum during high school like the US. Students focus on specific subjects as early as Year 10 (14 years old) and have to take those specific exams at the end of their course. These final year exams determine whether they are admitted into university.


When the pandemic occurred, many universities had to reevaluate their admissions policies on testing due to student’s safety and accessibility. UK universities haven’t fully gone completely test-optional, but most have become test-flexible. What is test-flexible? Test-flexible allows students to choose a variety of tests or classes to support their academic profile to be admitted into university.


Here is an example of what test-flexible means in the UK:


Pre-COVID example: AP exams + (ACT or SAT) + GPA

Post-COVID entry requirements: (AP exams and/or college level classes or honours level classes) + GPA. SAT/ACT not required or optional.


It’s kind of like trying to figure out a puzzle, right? We recommend first laying out what exams/classes a student will take and then go from there.


Just remember:


  • AP exams are equivalent to UK high school exams (A Levels). Most universities will require these or will accept college level courses in lieu of AP exams. Some will accept honours level classes but not all.

  • ACT/SAT – optional to provide in most university cases as long as you have AP’s or college level classes.


TIP: When searching for a specific programme, make sure to check if they require a specific AP exam for that subject. Many universities will require AP exams for specific degrees to show you are proficient in the subject. STEM is always likely to require subject specific exams, even if the university does not require them.


Are you a student interested in knowing your top UK university matches based on what exams you will be taking? Try our free UK university quiz to learn more! Free UK University Quiz


You can also use our free UK search engine HERE to select which exams you will be taking to narrow your search. Or you can click on each university profile to learn more about their transparent entry admissions criteria.


If you want to ensure that you are making the right decision in the application process, our advisors can support you throughout the process and help you get into your dream UK university!


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